Contribute a new piece of software
To contribute a new piece of software, please
- create an account
(you will need to enter the code lva2012 to avoid spamming)
- login and go to the wiki page below corresponding to the intended application field (general, audio, biomedical, other)
- click on the Edit link at the bottom of the page and add a new section for your piece of software (the pieces of software are ordered according to the year of the latest version)
- click on the Save link at the bottom of the page to save your modifications
Please make sure to provide at least the following information:
- name of the software and year of the latest version
- contact information (name, institution, email address or web page)
- link to the software, ideally including a short demo
- short description of the software (functionalities, programming language, inputs and outputs, license, etc)
If possible, please upload the piece of software at a stable URL on the website of your institution and provide its URL only. If not, you may attach it to the wiki page as a single .ZIP or .TGZ file instead.